Platinum House

The Platinum House is the largest temple devoted to Bahamut.

The Pontiff oversees all operations performed by the Platinum House.

The current Pontiff is Suleiman.

The Platinum House currently stands within the city of Tamarand.

While residing within lands of Tamarand and Dragonheart, the Platinum House operates mostly independent of the monarchy, as the many different Pontiffs have been members of the Platinum Council.

Loyal to the Crown…usually, as the royal family are descendants of Tamarand, one of Bahamut's Chosen.

Houses the Platinum Blade, granted to one powerful warrior or Chosen within the Kingdom, current holder General Garruk Volmyr, also a Paladin of the Church.

Some dissidents/opponents of the Crown seek on establishing a theocracy/install the Pontiff as the ruler of Dragonheart.